Bahala Na Multi-Style

Name: Bahala Na Multi-Style
Birth Place: Stockton, California
HomePage: Bahala Na Multi-Style
Bahala Na Multi-Style - Escrima consists of the Original Giron Escrima or (OGE) System of Great Grandmaster Leo Giron, the Serrada - Largo-Mano - Decuerdas or (SLD) System of Master Dentoy Revillar and the Multi-Style combat techniques and concepts of Grand Master Dexter Labonog.
Notable Students
Grand Master Dexter Labonog
Master/Chief Instructor June Gotico
Guro Butch Gargalicana - Team Caption
Guro Terry Joven
Guro Gene Inis
Guro Edward Talisayan
Guro Bobby Antuna
Guro Noel Tomboc
Guro David Alessandro
Guro Marcus Quilenderino
Bahala Na
Bahala Na - “Come What May” or "I Don't Give A Dam" as well as other meanings is a yell Leo Giron and his men would cry out as they charged the enemy in World War II.
"Bahala Na - is the spirit of doing what needs to be done and letting whatever happens just come". - By Frank Landers, 2010
Bahala Na Multi-Style
Bahala Na Mult-Style is the only system that has been endorsed by the family of Great Grand Master Leo Giron as teaching the original Concepts, Principles and Ideas of their late father GGM Leo Giron. Bahala Na Multi-Style continues to pay strict attention to preserving and maintaining the original teachings of GGM Leo Giron and The SLD system of Dentoy Revillar.
Bahala Na Multi-Style Escrima blends together the highest level of realistic Filipino Martial Arts fighting concepts, and new innovated training methods, making Bahala Na Multi-Style an unstoppable force.
The Javier Family
Adoption of Bahala Na
July 17, 2010 - GGM Isidro P. Javier formally adopted Bahala Na as his “Family”, thanking them for all their respect an honor towards Filipino Martial Arts. This was an incredibly important and heartfelt moment in the long and amazing life of Manong Javier.
Born of the old customs and culture of the Philippines, to adopt someone into the "Family" is the greatest honor that can be given by one of Manong Javier's generation.
Great Grand Master Isidro P. Javier "Manong" and head of the Javier's Family Fighting Art, appointed Dexter Labonog, of the Bahala Na Multi-Style to "Grand Master" of The Eskrima Art. Great Grand Master Isidro P. Javier presented a Certificate of Promotion to Grand Master Dexter Labonog. This Certificate was signed by the Isidro Javier Family Council; Great Grand Master Isidro P. Javier, Senior Grand Master Frank Landers, (founder of Seishindo Kenpo) and Professor Catherine Landers daughter of Manong Javier.