Dexter Labonog

Name: Dexter Labonog
Birth Name: Dexter Labonog
Birth Place: Stockton, California
Martial Arts Practiced: Eskrima, Serrada, Largamano, Decuerdas
Rank: Grand Master
Instructors: Leo Giron - Dentoy Revillar
Occupation: Teacher, Author
HomePage: Dexter Labonog
Dexter Labonog - is an American/Filipino Martial Arts practitioner, Instructor and Author. Mr. Labonog, the most senior student of the Original Stockton Bahala Na Eskrima Club, under the leadership of Great Grand Master Leo Giron. Mr. Labonog has the distinguish honor of being the only individual that has had more direct and personal one-on-one training with Great Grandmaster Leo Giron in the birth place of Filipino Martial Arts, Stockton California.
Life Forward
1978 met and began training with Grand Master Leo Giron, founder of the Filipino Martial Arts system Bahala Na. For over twenty years, Dexter Labonog studied under GGM Giron, mastering the Original Giron Method and is recognized as the most senior instructor of the original Bahala Na Method as founded by Great Grand Master Leo Giron.
Master Labonog rounded out his already highly developed skills he had learned from GGM Giron and begain training extensively under Master Dentoy Revillar for the next ten years in the blended systems of Serrada, Largamano and Decuerdas also refereed to as "SLD".
Master Dexter Labonog actively teaches the original curriculum of Bahala Na Stockton Club, he was privileged to have learned directly from Great Grand Master Leo Giron, and has blended his knowledge of the "SLD System" passed down to him by Master Dentoy Revillar who has given Master Dexter Labonog the authority to teach the Concepts and basics of the "SLD system".
Master Labonog favors the use of the Bladed Weapon over the stick or blunt edge weapons. Espada Y Daga or Sword and Dagger are his favorite training exercises, and his teaching curriculum follows traditional Concepts, Principles and Ideas learned from GGM Leo Giron and Master Dentoy Revillar.
Master Labonog help form the new Bahala Na Multi-Style, assembling the most powerful lineup of original GGM Leo Giron certified instructors. Leading the team is:
- Grand Master Dexter Labonog
- Master/Chief Instructor June Gotico
- Master Michael Giron
- Guru Bobby Antuna
- Guru Butch Gargalicana - Fight Team Captain
- Guru Terry Jovin
- Guru Gene Inis
- Guru Edward Talisayan
- Guru Tom Flores
- Guru Noel Tomboc
- Guru David Alessandro
- Guru Marcus Quielenderino
All are Certified and approved instructors of Bahala Na Multi-Style.
No other Filipino Martial Arts fight team commands the presence and respect that the Bahala Na Multi-Style receives when they enter a tournament event. Outwardly they radiate a rough, even dangerous image, yet they represent all the qualities of courtesy and respectfulness that is the cornerstone of the culture and Art of Eskrima handed down to them by GGM Leo Giron, and other great masters. They dominate the tournament scene with team and individual victories, under the guidance of Grand Master Dexter Labonog and Maestro/Chief Instructor June Gotico, who continue to advance the Filipino Martial Arts.
The Javier Family
Video of Dexter Labonog Promotion
July 17, 2010 - Great Grand Master Isidro P. Javier, appointed Dexter Labonog to "Grand Master" of The Eskrima Martial Art. Great Grand Master Isidro P. Javier presented a Certificate of Promotion to Grand Master Dexter Labonog.
This Certificate was signed by the Isidro Javier Family Council; Great Grand Master Isidro P. Javier, Senior Grand Master Frank Landers, (founder of Seishindo Kenpo) and Professor Catherine Landers daughter of Manong Javier.