Tony Somera

Name: Tony Somera
Birth Name: Antonio E. Somera
Birth Place: Stockton, CA.
Martial Arts Practiced: Goju Royu Karate - Bahala Na Escrima
Occupation: Instructor
Spouse: Sally
HomePage: Bahala Na
Antonio E. Somera (October 5, 1957 – October 28, 2013) Was an American/Filipino Martial Artist, Instructor and appointed Grand Master and successor of Bahala Na legacy by Great Grand Master Leo Giron.
Appointed Grand Master and head of the Giron Arnis Escrima Bahala Na Martial Arts Association by Grand Master Leo Giron.
GM Somera earned a 3rd Degree Black belt (1974) in Goju Royu [1] a traditional Okinawan style of Karate combining hard and soft techniques, with special emphasis on breathing.
Currently a lifetime member of Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) [2]
GM Somera is also a member of Legionarios Del Trabajo [3]
GM Tony Somera was a student of Grand Master Emeritus Leo Giron [4] founder of Bahala Na (“come what my”), a Filipino Escrima martial arts style, and was the only student to have been promoted to Grand Master by GGM Leo Giron. [5]